writing stuff

Fitting some pieces together

I think I’ve figured out some of how Peredharna, SAMMANA Transport NPO, and Samvrita Kachwaha tie together

Noncompetitive 2014 is the Usha Yogasana competition debacle. I wish I could write it. I am still afraid of bungling it.

Noncompetitive 2024, Usha has graduated and is one of several secretaries at SAMMANA Transport NPO – Presumably a main office around Kolkata. SAMMANA has to be an NPO, because it has to work across country borders, because it’s clients have no respect for these borders – in many cases, they significantly predate the borders.

SAMMANA manages the “needs” of beings powerful enough to be gods, in ways that attempt not to break law or interfere with civilian or government lives. Usually this means giving access to resources that temples would not have – Transportation, border access, manpower – temporarily. Long enough that the entitled don’t feel they need to disrupt society.

SAMMANA agents are also authorized to put an end to those who refuse to be satiated. Man rules man, not gods.

Peredharna – now dominated by the convent – adjacent to and supposedly predating Shimla, summer capitol of the British Raj – is an earlier organization with a complementary mission. For centuries there have men claims a strange children being born with great power – but prequnetly that power is not so great, and the child is dubbed a monster to be destroyed if it’s grotesque or unprofitable enough.

Peredharna was essentially a Syriac Christian orphanage, supporting those ‘monsters’ to adulthood. Unfortunately for this mission, the usual mode of adoption – compensating parents – was sort of banned as sale of children, which in many other cases it was. But it really cramped their mission statement, as payment is also an assurance you can care for the child.

Anyways. Peredharna now casts a net over a wider geographical area for older members that aren’t exactly normal. That’s how Megara Floras – which many would call a goat – got there.

Given her disposition, the Foreigners Registration Office defers to SAMMANA to make sure the law is followed – So when her 180 days of Missionary Visa are almost up, and she officially asks for an extension as the law requires, former policewoman and current private investigator Samvrita Kachwaha is dispatched to follow up and get Megara’s papers in order if she hasn’t violated any conditions. Like proselytizing for her religion.

Mina has encountered Peredharna in the past – pre-Shimla – though she doesn’t know anyone there now. She is on SAMMANA’s watchlist, but has never requested their services.

Usha might get more encounters with Peredharna – but was not the one to dispatch Samvrita.

Sardari, at best, has heard the name Peredharna. She didn’t have any reason to travel that direction before Pakistan and India were established. She does use SAMMANA services, if only to keep part of her operations transparent.

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