Usha Khanakarii
High Availability
“Riya Reddy, Office manager” – it’s what the nameplate said. Plastic painted like brass. 20 years. She’d been with SAMMANA Transport NPO for twenty years, sidereal reckoning, and she hadn’t even qualified for a brass nameplate. No. That was wrong. It would give the wrong impression. The wrong sort of permanence. Drivers? Didn’t get any… Continue reading
Sister Reduced, part 8
“You found I see” When Doctor Samantha Carter sent out her new paper for review – “Instance or Amalgam: The many faces of Jane Dough” – the other scientists had enough questions for ten papers. Mouri had her own little section in it – Dr. Carter thought Jane Dough II, III, IV, and V… Continue reading
Sister Reduced, part 7
Mouri was not in shape. She quickly tried to duck into a tea house – as she wasn’t dressed for a yoga session, she was sure she would be able to blend in there. She failed miserably. Ami just got in line behind her. But Mouri was too tired to run again. The two got… Continue reading
Sister Reduced, part 6
“Do… I just keep calling you Rina for now?” Biralee asked as she followed her sister to the Deli. “You don’t mind, do you?” “I guess not.” “So what do you want to know about?” “Usha… isn’t the orignal Usha.” “She isn’t. Strictly speaking, she doesn’t have to exist. Still, she’s the one with the… Continue reading
Sister Reduced, part 5
After their meeting, Biralee’s new ‘sisters’ seemed in little rush to integrate her into the larger group – she had her own life. There was some correspondence – feeling a bit lake occasionally catching up with a long lost friend by email – and a wave of recognition at the University – but everyone kept… Continue reading
Sister Reduced, part 4
“Do you want me to call you clever?” “Why, do I deserve it?” “You make me into four people to avoid the triplets’ ire. And then you fail to name one of them.” “I was thinking Bishwas.” “Too generic. Try again.” “I think Usha is too generic.” “Is it, Aishwarya, is it?” “I’m Biralee.” Mouri’s… Continue reading
Sister Reduced, part 3
“So. That’s your solution to my ‘Man Problem’, as Ma puts it?” “It’s one solution.” A pothole in the the road almost made Virika drop her phone. “I’m shaking my head. Do you believe that?” “I’m just saying that if out parents believed in arranged marriages, neither of us would be where we are right… Continue reading
Sister Reduced, part 2
“Wait. So am I a shapeshifter? Or stretchy?” “Yes. And apparently you’re supposed to call it ‘elastic’. The contortionists AND the Elastic fans get mad if you don’t.” “Get mad where?” “The internet.” “That’s where people go to get mad anyways.” “They can be mad at other people. And devour my content without a word… Continue reading
Sister Reduced, part 1
“You have to change names. I can be a secretary, but nothing else can match.” Usha replied to her sister. “So, like, nothing about the triplets?” Virika with her outlet of writing, had borrowed her sister’s likeness before. But asking for something in a more ‘real’ setting had to have limits, especially with the verification… Continue reading
A Totally True Account of a Sister, part six
It was about this time the actual Usha got a raise – and for a gift, she sent her sister a phone. The cheapest one she could find. This was fine, as the family home still didn’t even have reception; If Virika walked to the road, she could get texts about the time she saw… Continue reading
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