Commission: Yogic Powers
“ok ngl this is probably the funniest thing you have ever suggested and I’m trying really hard to figure out if I could draw this seriously”
“Idk if I can do it man… “
-1: purge the pipes
0: if wearing the saree, tuck it so your legs are free
1: Do a bit of nauli – could make it look especially inhuman, but it more buying time to work the tongue down the length of the digest tract. Can’t really talk after starting this.
2: Make a show of pulling putting the end of the braid at the end of the butt crack; it can still be obscured
3: grab onto the end with the tongue, reel it upwards. Any braid impressions left on the abdomen between belly rolls all the better
4: keep on going til it pops out of the mouth.
5: continue, slowly arching backwards until all the braid up to the back of the heads has hone through; half its length is hanging from the mouth
6: stop for any amazement , no further even if some fetish artists would

….this display of yogic power is not something she would have done during the “impersonating gods” phase of her life
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