writing stuff

11: Limit Testing (2/3)

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Sombra squatted over Mei.

“What are dolls like in China? Do you load up your little niños on the same pink plastic things you sell to foreigners?” Sombra started to straighten Mei out, pulling her crumpled mess into order, back on the floor. “Little fragile things – so easy to break, parents would buy more to solve the problem.” She smirked, “Oh, but when parents had time to love their little ones, they made them dolls, out of old shirts and skirts. Ones that weren’t meant to break.”

Sombra perched herself on Mei’s belly, “Oh, they’d tear. but you just patch them up like everything else.” she reached behind her – grabbing a leg and pulling it up. Bracing the leg against her back, she tested Mei’s knee, trying to pull it over her shoulder. After a moment of tugging, it gave, wrapping backwards around Sombra’s shoulder. “Does that hurt, muchacha?” But she wasn’t paying any attention to Mei’s face – already pulling off her doll’s shoe – some slip-ons – she wiggled the toes, pulling them, twisting them, seeing if she could get any joints to pop… and she couldn’t. She tried to fold the foot itself, and was able to wrap toes toward ankle and heel in turn – twist it, wrench it, straighten it – as far as bones would allow.

She glanced around for tape of some sort – she wanted to give her doll peg feet, perfect for ballet shoes – but besides the server racks and a stack of empty shipping boxes in the corner of the server room, it looked like anything like tools had already scavenged or dumped.

Mei managed to make a noise – a harrumph of some sort.

“Oh, sorry, querida, did you want to see?” Sombra slid sideways, forcing Mei’s thigh over her own, pushing until she heard – and felt – a pop from Mei’s pelvis as the hip was liberated.

Mei made a gasp in response. She had seen Angela pop her hip before – but this was the first time she had felt it. Even if her senses were dulled, she teared up.

“Oh, let me help you with that.” The venom was back in Sombra’s voice, as she slipped off Mei’s glasses and dabbed the edges of unblinking eyes with the side of her own foot.

“You know,” she let the leg rest beside Mei’s face, “I never quite got why anyone still wears these,” She examined the glasses, slipping them on, “Just get yourself lazed like everyone else.” She made faces for a moment, trying to understand just what they did, before propping them up on her forehead. “Of course, you’re what, a science tree hugger? Trying to bring back a natural world that never was?” Sombra now studied her face for a response. “Maybe we should try for something less natural.”

Sombra stood, flinging Mei’s draped leg into something like its normal position. She nudge the limb tentatively with her foot, wondering if it would try to snap back into socket. When it didn’t, she knelt beside it and probed Mei’s hip, probing through Mei’s sweatpants and into flesh. “I don’t think you’ll lose it. You’ve got a good doctor around here, right?” She compared with the feeling of an intact hip – feeling the flab through sweatpants heat up, quiver, as she did so.

“Almost warmed up? Good. Let’s keep you that way.” Mei’s legs were spread in a wide straddle split – the intact one flopping into place just as easily as the disjointed one – Sombra hoisted Mei’s derriere off the floor and, with some effort to fold her doll as low in the spine as possible, force it’s pelvis in below the ribcage. Mei felt her organs bushing into her lungs as Sombra leaned into her, her arse was pressed back out of view. But Sombra hoisted again, and Mei saw the ridge of her spine heaved above the spread of her breasts, and shortly after, dropped between them. at some point the small of her back pushed her head sideways, digging into her cheek. When Mei was as close to a rolling pin as Sombra could manage, she rolled her back and forth, loosely pressing on the thighs, hoping to get her just a little more compact, adjusting just where the arms were tucked into the edges.

Even as her spine was repeatedly dug into her face… Mei wanted to kiss it. Kiss Sombra. Angela had spent so many weeks training her, doing things the right way – and. Finally. Somebody that was willing to rough her up.

Mei struggled to respond. Even just an approving coo. Instead, Sombra sat on the bundle of Mei, specifically putting her own arse to the back of Mei’s head, shifting to find a comfortable spot.

“I thought you were mostly pella, but it seems you’ve been bulking up since I last looked in… hmm. Nothing around to strap you in place. Disappooooooointing. Perhaps I should fold you into one of those boxes over there?” Sombra massaged her seat a bit, “No, I think we have a little more time to play first, before putting toys away. But what to do next?”

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