writing stuff

Relevant Goo Alien Timeline


‘Years’ are a bad measure when you have three planets with different orbital periods. and base a+ counting (frequently referred to as base 12 by humans). Translation standards have not been fully established, so times will be vague.

Official names are often not translated. This is generally seen as a side effect of being a mildly psychic species. There is too much to communicate to give an appropriately compact name. (and differently-psychic species tend to get their brains muddled by such communications).

Some information is deemed restricted due to lack of trade agreement.

Settlement of ???

It generally accepted that either Calcaei or Weltra had be the original planet of the Goo Alien species – the would not have developed on both simultaneously. While there is archeological evidence to support either’s claim is original, this has lead to obnoxious debate not worth polite society.


Generally considered pre-1300 years before present. (Which planet? base 12?) There are signs of settlement dated older then this, of complex civilization, even – but nothing that involves written language.

It’s a problem with mildly psychic races. With such a good method of communication – why step down to something so difficult to comprehend? Until the line of succession is lost, and information is completely lost immediately.

It’s been suggested that 1400 years ago a nova purged the solar system, and written language was eventually developed in response to this, after several rather short lived and animalistic generations.

The Dictators

While prehistoric government is assumed but unverifiable, the structure that eventually established was similar the Earth’s feudal eras – A sovereign warlord, often taking dues from smaller hereditary warlords.

These warlords originally were just that – strains talented at defending their possessions and vassal states from others.

Then the Dictator strains emerged – believed though genetic experimentation, as it couldn’t be from eugenical breeding as species like humans do. They could use their psyonics not just to communicate action, but to control action, to force compliance.

It was a subtle takeover, as their reproduction cycle wasn’t any faster than any other line; nor was it a single line – there was no empire of cooperating dictators. There were simply fewer, larger states.

Science did flourish under this single-mindedness; the reintroduction of spaceflight happened rather early in this transition (again, exact dates are hard) – along with the basis of most Calcaeim and Weltran stereotypes. The Calcaeim Lunar Farm was a relatively late development – a show of cooperation and unity that is considered one of the factors leading up to

The Wars of two Worlds

There had always been concerns, upon the rediscovery of another inhabited planet, of invasion and subjugation. This fear forced a Weltran military alliance, and a militarization of space; the Calcaeim Lunar Farm was at times visible from Weltra – it was easy to whip up a frenzy about the threat such power posed.

After several largely ineffective campaigns ( getting to your enemy to fight was slow and on predictable paths ), both sides set on similar tactics to secure their power – reset the other planet’s civilization, like the nova had once been theorized to do.

There was a period of ‘peace’ as weapons capable of this were developed – as powers re-provisioned and stocked up for final strikes. As well as the Dictator’s bunkers, limited to hose they could take continuous control of, not just subjugating but enslaving them.

The attack were not simultaneous, due to orbital mechanics. Nor were they without casualty. Huge swaths of peasantry were reduced to the function of wild animals.

The Void Forces of both planets, with no ground support, and planets that would be contaminated for decades, were essentially stranded in space.

Settlement of Iu’husid

After limited communication, finding they were in the same plight, Calcaeim and Weltran forces agreed on an alternative for settling themselves – Iu’husid, the only other planet in the system that had an atmosphere. It was not particularly suited for life, but the more they communicated, the more convinced the scientists of each fleet were convinced they could make it work.

Domed barracks – fields, villages – grew as the remaining spacebound population was called to the colony. There were simultaneous efforts to terraform the planet to make it more livable, and bioform goo alien strains to make them more hardy and adapted to the harsh conditions – the terraforming was ultimately more successful.

Suppression of the Dictators

It was decades – half a lifetime – later that Iu’husid was secure enough to consider what to do about Calcaei and Weltra. It was obvious, given unconcealed local communications, that many Dictator stains had survived the final attack mostly intact, and were slowly reestablishing their dominions, taking the opportunity to impose stricter control of the relatively ignorant existing populations.

It was untenable. Iu’husid, unified under a military structure, now based on the three-of-rank rule (originally Calcaeim Military-Weltran Military-Civilian equal representation, later relaxed) Organized a series of actions to irradiate all dictator strains. Assassination preferred, given that those close enough to the Dictators were kept in a state where they didn’t even know what decade it was.

These attempts were largely successful, though current doctrine allows that a member of a dictator strain can live as a civilian as long as they do not use their abilities over the fellow goos.

As the board was cleared of dictators, Iu’husid sponsored military schools were set up to uplift the local population. Over generations these schools have become much more sophisticated, but at the beginning the bar was rather low – again, at this point the population was a step or two above wild animals.

The Chime of Peace

Officially marked the end of the suppression of dictators. while much of the old infrastructure had to be completely rebuilt after decades of neglect, the ‘Chime of Peace’ as the first goal of a three planet government – essentially, to make the loudest radio signal the three planets could achieve – by which calendars could be synced.

Ot was also loud enough to – coincidentally? – break a lot of working unsanctioned communications equipment.

The name only became official after the second chime.

Plyd Trader contact

The Goo Alien Government received FTL technology and materiel as part of a trade with the Plyd.

You are not authorized to receive any further information.

Further Alien Contacts

Given a wider range and access to the Journal of Plyd,

Second Chime of Peace

It happened? Government solidarity, strength under alien influence, calendar resync

Third Chime of Peace

It happened, but just barely, due to conservative support. The power output was growing exponentially and galactic neighbors were liking it less and less each time it happened.

Launch of Unnamed Expedition

What eventually was (misnamed) the Hummus Expedition was launched with Pathfinder 3 decades after the third chime. The Faster than Light ship, due to coincidence, found itself intersecting with the third chime. This was expected to happen – not with a ship with a broken short jump drive, but expected none the less.

The third chime was the first that Humans encountered with equipment available to measure it.

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