writing stuff

  • Taking on Debt

    It could have been worse.Sardari kept telling herself this, because there was nothing else to say about it. Nothing else to do about it, beyond what she was doing at the moment. She could have run from the flood. Gathered up her ephemera, moved it to higher ground. Of anyone she had the power.But there… Continue reading

  • Iuviuvuiv.xdoc

    The following statements are false. ~ There are two kinds of beasts known; The Ethereal, and the Temporal. The Temporal may be split into the Mechanical and the Biological. In parallel, the Ethereal may be split into the Developmental and the Intransient. A Soul is a developmental beast that is bound to a biological beast… Continue reading

  • At Least We Did Not Drive Our Only Spaceship into the Sun

    It was a water world, peeping through the clouds. As the carapace population dwindled, evacuated, everyone eventually stole a moment, a quick turn, on the bridge. Staring. As the dot became a lit crescent. Hoping to see lights in the dimness, hoping to see land they recognized. Mr. Crocker spent the most time… looking. Silently.… Continue reading

  • Time, not Lost, but Used Elsewhere

    “You don’t remember the person. Not entirely. The times they were not there. The times they spited you. The times they were irredeemable. Or you’d grow to hate them. To hate their memory. As much of a pastiche as the one you love. “It. It’s better not to pretend you remember them whole cloth. That… Continue reading

  • Knetsil, Kneril, and the Bones of the World

    [Translation note: Kneril and Knetsil would not be interpreted as proper names, but a shortened version of ‘first sister’ and ‘second brother’]Both Father and Mother had been called to harvest. This was a good thing, they said, for it meant there would be plenty of food until the next harvest – but it still should… Continue reading

  • Pathfinder, Pt 1

    The Bridge, or the equivalent of it on the torus-toting pathfinder, was much like it’s two sister ships. Just enough get lost in on most of the floors and walls – a vaguely repeating tactile ridge, enough to feel one’s way around once you learned the pattern… one could fine one’s place in the bridge,… Continue reading

  • Relevant Goo Alien Timeline

    NOTES ‘Years’ are a bad measure when you have three planets with different orbital periods. and base a+ counting (frequently referred to as base 12 by humans). Translation standards have not been fully established, so times will be vague.Official names are often not translated. This is generally seen as a side effect of being a… Continue reading

  • High Availability

    “Riya Reddy, Office manager” – it’s what the nameplate said. Plastic painted like brass. 20 years. She’d been with SAMMANA Transport NPO for twenty years, sidereal reckoning, and she hadn’t even qualified for a brass nameplate. No. That was wrong. It would give the wrong impression. The wrong sort of permanence. Drivers? Didn’t get any… Continue reading

  • “Galactic Goo” is a series of light science fiction movies aimed for general audiences. It’s titular first entry finds Sam the Astronaut (Rick Evans-Sharbaz)(suggested to be short for the surname Samanta in early materials) is a spatially displaced Indian Astronaut finding himself displaced on an alien planet. He manages to befriend an Alien slime creature… Continue reading

  • Please do not Bring Sunglasses

    Kala regarded her aunt. Cool. Collected. Other than the eyes darting everywhere. She hadn’t really left the mainland, had she? Probably had spent half her life undocumented, all considered. “Does it remind you of anything?” Kala and Mina really could be mistaken for sisters. “Busses. Have you ever been on a bus? What am I… Continue reading