Sardari has an imported Nokia 7370. And a stack of batteries for it, and chargers for said batteries. As she will pause time to write a text, keeping a stock of charged batteries is paramount. Her voice mail starts with her shouting “DO YOU THINK YOU CAN SUMMON A GOD?” A pause, “Please contact the… Continue reading
Perpare to Abandon
Also at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47252971 Jane surveyed the scene. By all appearances, a murder/suicide. Good god, did she want to hurl. No, that could – would -wait. The apparent murder, Dirk, was obviously holding his sword in a way it wasn’t meant to be held, underhand. His grip had lost it’s strength in death, but was still… Continue reading
A Totally True Account of a Sister, part six
It was about this time the actual Usha got a raise – and for a gift, she sent her sister a phone. The cheapest one she could find. This was fine, as the family home still didn’t even have reception; If Virika walked to the road, she could get texts about the time she saw… Continue reading
9: The Lonely Road (2/2)
Also at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47065192/chapters/119454607 The old tunnel that would have been the bypass to Route 66 was sealed tight – the doors that would have been closed for traffic management after rock slides still quite intact. It was obvious, though, that hey been opened recently. Jack led them to one of the old mine entrances that… Continue reading
8: The Lonely Road (1/2)
Also at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47065192/chapters/119299327 Deadlock gorge was to be a old Stacian tourist trap – an ancient cut through the earth next to a newer, but still ancient cut through the earth. Now it was most frequently seen as a glance out of a train window. Along with a road, it was wide enough to house… Continue reading
7: This is not me doing the same thing over again
Also at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47065192/chapters/118749589 In my life, I have been accused of pushing science too far. It is a very human accusation. The difference between Talon, and organizations preceding it – those lost to history, and a few hated by it – is that Talon does not assume what perfection is. This is not some hallmark… Continue reading
6: Subtotal
Also at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47065192/chapters/118697182 “It pains me that you don’t see yourself a part of Talon.” The safehouse, as it stood, was on land that once would have been identified as the Nile floodplain a century previous. That was as distinctly as any Talon documents identified it – it had taken Sombra less time to identify… Continue reading
5: Third Party Involvement
Also at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47065192/chapters/118696552 “Thank you for your promptness,” Winston’s dispatch room (and bachelor pad) wasn’t one of the many apartments on Gibraltar base. Angela had never been to it in the old days, so she could only speculate at it’s function. It did, at least, give the gorilla enough room to swing his arms and… Continue reading
4: Where one loses control
Also at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47065192/chapters/118696510 “No breaks!” Angela looped back. Jogging in place as she admonished Mei, “I thought you walked Antartica.” “Walked. Is the. Word.” Mei took a deep breath and resumed her run. The two had circled Gibraltar base completely. Mercy took a moment to breathe, but Mei was ready to call it a day.… Continue reading
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