This is not what inspired this, per se, but popping up independently about the same time probably encouraged wanting to further develop it

Subject is responding to a prompt on a cell phone – “No, I never had a mortgage… Why?”
Cartoon vacumn-cleaner like effect from the phone, separating and overlay of physical attributes from a manequin-like body, sort of like a ghost exiting a body, but more external. The remnant mannequin is a neutral gray fabric, compatible with the anonamous ask icon from tumblr (not starting with the glasses, not detailed eyes or lips, face can be molded to suggest features)

darker Grey, fabric not fake leather, understuffed allowing wrinkles that appear in different places as they move, always appearing slightly crumpled

right sort of fabric, need more weird seams
… New anon eventually finds they can reach though screens (including phone) to get to a new location or scavenge for bits of new identity
The removed identity takes a majority of clothing with it, clothing that remains does not fit the mannequin- to large in some spots, too small in others.
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