Goo Aliens
Relevant Goo Alien Timeline
NOTES ‘Years’ are a bad measure when you have three planets with different orbital periods. and base a+ counting (frequently referred to as base 12 by humans). Translation standards have not been fully established, so times will be vague.Official names are often not translated. This is generally seen as a side effect of being a… Continue reading
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Angela Ziegler Brigitte Lindholm Cole Cassidy Dad Crocker Dave Strider Elastisity Enebish Tarkhan Fic Fic in Fic Goo Aliens Hrutxcan Jack Morrison Jake English Jane Crocker Jyoti Khanakarii Kalpanika Khanakarii Kayam Khanakarii Mei-Ling Zhou Meta Mina Bhramana Moira O'Deorain N'mob Ouinhead Ouinhed Roxy Lalonde Samvrita Kachwaha Sardari Sombra Spaceship Sue Peters The Reddy Sisters Uddyam Bhramana Usha Khanakarii Virika Khanakarii Winston