writing stuff

  • Trip

    “Mami?” Jyoti knocked on the door of her aunt’s house. Listened. Nothing inside. “Mami? Mina?” No answer. She tried the door. It opened – unlocked, unbarred. “Mami? Are you in?” She cautiously poked her head inside, letting her eyes adjust to the dark interior. “Yes, yes -” The voice came from behind her. Blinking in… Continue reading

  • Hrutxcan Species Notes

    Before any of today’s clans came to be, what we now know as a spaceship landed on the world. Clans Laventil Peak and Brackish Delta were those that spread knowledge. While those from the spaceship must have spoke words none were understood. Clan Rancin Fields met with another, after the third flood, years later. Gifts… Continue reading

  • Comic Mina is instructing Usha… Backbend checststand – but Mina’s own limbs are braided. Virika is visible peeking in through a window (under curtains?) Jyoti walking by …? 3. Continue reading

  • Commission idea:Mina pressing a tin cookie-cutter heart into her chest Continue reading

  • Shipment

    The following can be considered a hatefic for a discord RP prompt, included at the end. This is not supposed to be part of any continuing story. It was a cardboard box large enough to fit an appliance. Well, too small for a dishwasher, too large for a mini fridge. The cardboard itself was heavy… Continue reading

  • N’Mob Homeworld

    There are two planets in the N’Mob home system with breathable atmospheres. The first planet, as of the modern day, is dominated by the Ouinhead, with one Lost N’Mob Settlement – founded “60 generations ago”, shortly before Ouinhead infestation. It can be considered a subtropical climate. The second planet is a water world with large… Continue reading

  • Ouinhed Homeworld

    The original Ouinhead homeworld, if it exists at all, is probably a charred cinder of what it used to be. It it’s gravity was 120% of Earths, assuming their Cylinders we designed to be consistant with it. Pre-diaspora, it is suspected they were a single system Kardashev 1.5-ish civilization, given the sophistication required to construct… Continue reading

  • The State of Measures in Adjacent Space

    A huge amount of effort on Earth has been made towards standardizing measures. Most of this is not properly appreciated by those who use such systems- including ostracizing those who have failed to conform to the more widely accepted systems of measure. Every measure has a proper context and scope – as well as arbitrary… Continue reading

  • Shared attributes of the Ouinhed Cylinders

    It can’t be said that any particular model of space-faring vessel is common across the Milky Way. But there is a wave that is both fairly well recognized, and has been passing through the local region for thousands of years. It’s been suggested that such Ouinhed Cylinders, bearing a passing similarity to the proposed O’Neill… Continue reading

  • Commission: Cookie Cutter Mina. Probably just front view, Maybe flattened (somewhat) like Several cookie cutters are embedded in her flesh – some tin, some beat up old tin, some plastic, some pressed in deeper than others. Are there signs (skin tears a la ) that there are previous, abandon attempts to cut) Is… Continue reading